This post is all about those few minutes of waiting which we all experience in our life...
waiting for reserving a ticket at bus/train or waiting for your Aircraft to take off..
waiting for your turn at the ATM or waiting at the Billing counter of a store...
waiting for a friend to pick up or waiting to join friend at a party...
waiting for your love at a cafe or waiting outside their college/home/hostel...
waiting for the movie to start or waiting for the show to resume after a break on TV...
waiting for a photo upload on FB or waiting for comments by your friends on them...
Well, the list is endless and so are the memories with all the instances...and I am going to narrate one of them which occurred recently with me while I was waiting for my turn at railway reservation center...
I was issued a token for the reservation form (Thank God they started this... nahi to line center k bahar tak jati thi)...the token number was 150 and the currently running token number at that time was 100... while I was waiting for my turn I was roaming all over the center reading notice boards, reservation and cancellation rules, concession rules, advertising hoardings etc... but while reading all that what I notice was, hardly 5 minutes passed and token moved to 110... having done so much at the center...!!! So I sat at the newly put chairs (The center felt so different since I had started visiting for my ticket bookings)... A lady came and asked my neighbour, waiting for his turn too, for help to fill the form but that person told her to go to another person who was already filling his own form... (I wonder how much time filling a form like that would have taken? also he was not busy doing something else)
These little things show our personality and attitude. They say "No Act of Generosity is Small". What matters is the will to act and the action taken thereafter. In the above scene, it would not have costed the man more than a few seconds which in any case he was wasting... The little act would have relieved that lady from the sorry face she put up when he directed her to another person...!!!
We may ignore this small incident as just another event...what I wish to convey is about the larger picture... a small act of generosity can make a difference in somebody's life... It can release him/her from unnecessary stress... I know some of my readers might think I am becoming philosophical but I am hoping someday someone might just remember this post and not refuse to help... !!!
Help to be helped... !!!